Author of Dying to Know, Dying for the Past, and the upcoming Dying to Tell
Since I’ve made the transition from being a writer to an
author—the difference is an imaginary line between being unpublished and
published (or so I’m told)—I’ve been fortunate to have experiences and meet
people I never would have before. As a consultant, life revolves around problem
solving. I generally meet very interesting people under the worst of
circumstances—they have a problem and they need help … now. In ninety-five
percent of the cases it’s a pure business arrangement, with no opportunity for
friendship or camaraderie. But as an author, I’ve had the privilege of meeting
the most extraordinary people without a cry for help. Most often it’s simply
because we share a vocation and love of books—a small, friendly club of authors.
How novel. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)
Still, I’m an unknown, and except the few who recognize an
email or Facebook post here and there, no one has heard of me. In my prior
government life, that was how I wanted it—anonymity meant I was below the
radar. As an author, anonymity can be fatal.
Yet despite this veil of “who are you again?” I received an
invitation from an amazing charity to be one of five authors to speak at a
fundraiser this month—The Children’s Specialized Hospital Friends, in Summit,
New Jersey.
Who, me? Are you sure you have the right Tj O’Connor? To my
amazement, they did.
And so, on April 30th from 11 am to 3 pm, I will
share the spotlight with four talented authors to help The Children’s
Specialized Hospital Friends. I’ll be speaking along with Marta McDowell,
author of Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life;
Jerry Parr and Carolyn Parr who wrote, Inside
the Secret Service; and Jennifer Smith, author of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. And all of us
will be serving up “A Literary Luncheon” at the Canoe Brook Country Club in
Summit, New Jersey, to help raise funds for this charity.
Here’s a little taste of what this hospital and charity are
all about (from the hospital’s website):
Children’s Specialized Hospital is a non-profit
rehabilitation hospital that serves over 20,000 children annually in 12 sites
throughout New Jersey. The hospital serves children affected by traumatic brain
and spinal cord injuries, complications from premature birth, autism,
developmental delays and life changing illnesses. The hospital’s patients come
from New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and of course New Jersey.
Renowned therapeutic programs include physical, speech, and occupational
therapy; psychology services; neurodevelopmental physician services;
recreational therapy and child life, and a full complement of support services.
Read more about the Children’s Specialized Hospital at
So, if you are in the New
Jersey area, or have friends or colleagues in the area, ask them to check out
this event and consider joining us. If they can’t make the luncheon, perhaps
they will consider a small donation or consider passing this blog and flier
along to others who might wish to support us.
Invite you to
Thursday, April 30, 2015
11:00am to 3:00pm
Canoe Brook Country Club
Summit, New Jersey
Guest Authors
Marta McDowell Beatrix Potter’s
Gardening Life
TJ O’Connor Dying to Know
Jerry Parr with Carolyn Parr Inside
the Secret Service
Jennifer Smith The Statistical
Probability of Love at First Sight
Ticket price for luncheon and program
is $50.00
For more information or to purchase
tickets please contact Marilyn Zocca
All proceeds to benefit Children’s
Specialized Hospital’s “Friday Night Fever”
So come on, all my author and
writer pals, pass the word along. We get a lot from writing, and I’m not
talking about royalties (at least I can’t talk about royalties …) Let’s share a
little of the jazz we all get from belonging to this small club of authors and
book lovers.
End Note: In full disclosure, this invitation did not
come from any sudden fame or notoriety. Two dear friends, Tom and Gail S., who
joined me for my book launch party last year, arranged my invitation. Tom is a
great writer in his own right seeking publication. Gail, his wife, is a mover-and-shaker and the Fund Raising Chair for the Children’s Specialized Hospital Friends. Thanks to both of
you for this opportunity and for your continued support and friendship.

Tj O’CONNOR IS THE AUTHOR OF DYING FOR THE PAST and DYING TO KNOW, available in books stores and e-books from Midnight Ink. His third paranormal mystery, DYING TO TELL, will be released January 2016. He is currently working on a traditional mystery and a new thriller. Tj is an international security consultant specializing in anti-terrorism, investigations, and threat analysis—life experiences that drive his novels. With his former life as a government agent and years as a consultant, he has lived and worked around the world in places like Greece, Turkey, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and throughout the Americas—among others. He was raised in New York's Hudson Valley and lives with his wife and Lab companions in Virginia where they raised five children. Dying for the Past and Dying To Know are the first of eight novels to be published. Learn more about Tj’s world at and on Facebook at